Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Finding My Green Thumb...

On a quest lately to figure out what's growing in my backyard.  I've got a few veggies that we put out there: green bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, strawberries, and more green bell peppers.  But there's so much other stuff growing out there, that I haven't the foggiest clue what they are, and it makes me feel pretty inept.  smdh  I guess taking samples to a garden shop would be my best bet.

I just joined the garden club at home depot and hopefully it will help me become more knowledgeable about the whole gardening thing....we'll see.  I would like to utilize the little plots and grow things that are edible, so once i get into the swing of things, I may just be able to save our family a few benjamins...


  1. Is that a pic of your garden? I'm dying to start one. I'm planning on starting one in the spring. Hope I can get it going.

  2. Nahhh, I wish! I was just thinking about the process and how I wanna get into it and found a really kewl representation of what i'd like mine to be... LOL
