Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!!!

So glad to have made it to 2015 in good health and spirits.  I'm excited about the new year and the possibilities it holds.  I've been working on a few projects and honing my skills, so I'm anticipating amazing results.   Over the holidays, I brushed up on dormant skills, spent time with the family and cooked enough to feed my small army.  For the holidays, we focused on crafting and activities that brought us together as a family and created lasting memories.

I realized that the time I have with my children as "children" is finite and I was compelled to maximize the moments.  It was a total paradigm shift.  Now, I want to "be bothered", because it means they want to hear my opinion or advice, or to just be in my presence.  There's a tongue-n-cheek saying "Don't sweat the small stuff---and remember, it's all small stuff..." I used to chuckle at that phrase, but now I am of a totally different frame of mind.  Having embraced the finiteness of the days we have together as a nuclear family, I now see that it's ALL BIG STUFF...

Each moment is an opportunity to smile, to share a hug or a laugh, or to just appreciate the beauty in being together.  So many realizations are governing my present path:

We are the magic makers....just as someone created the magical moments that are warmly nestled in my memory, I am charged with the making of similar or more brilliant magic for the ones in my charge...Whether it's easter bunnies, tooth fairies, santa claus, or fending off boogie men, I now have the responsibility to create an atmosphere for my children that makes them feel safe, loved, confident,  capable, important, and beautiful.  And so i look forward to pouring into the lives of these not-so-little-anymore ones and to learning from them how to be the best brightest human I can be...

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